Zlaté mince Mince



The period of boom and monetary stability did not last long. The world economic crisis from 1929 to 1934 also affected Czechoslovakia. During this crisis, the price of gold on world markets rose. The consequence of this development was strong deflationary pressure on all currencies that were tied to gold. The Czechoslovak koruna was also pulled into this current. Opinions on the effective action of the National Bank in resolving this deflationary situation differed and then escalated in two directions: either to keep the gold content of the koruna and gradually adjust to its devaluation by interest rate, wage, budget, foreign exchange and price policies, or to initiate such devaluation of the koruna by reducing the gold content, which would restore the consistency of its purchasing power with the purchasing power of gold, and thus avoid the long-term process of adapting all economic numbers. The government has opted for a devaluation solution. In February 1934, the Governor of the National Bank, Vilém Pospíšil, and the entire Bank Board resigned. On February 23, 1934, Karel Engliš was appointed the new governor. In February 1934, the gold content of the koruna was reduced by one-sixth - to 37.15 mg. However, some states - the countries of the golden bloc - maintained the current monetary policy and proceeded to a devaluation solution later. The procedure of the National Bank also adapted to this, so the golden content of the koruna was later reduced again by the second devaluation in October 1936, again by one-sixth - to 31.21 mg. After these devaluations, price and monetary developments stabilized.
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©2003-2024 Zlaté mince - Numismatika. Nejlevnější prodejce investičního zlata a drahých kovů v Čechách a na Slovensku. Dodáváme investiční zlato renomovaných švýcarských rafinérií. Zlaté slitky a mince nejvyšší ryzosti máme skladem v nadstandartním množství. Jsme smluvní partner České národní banky a Národnej banky Slovenska. Prodáváme a vykupujeme medaile, které razí Česká mincovna, Pražská mincovna nebo Mincovna Kremnica. Naši nabídku doplňují vybrané stříbrné mince a slitky značek Argor Heraeus a PAMP. Pořádáme on-line aukce mincí. Dovážíme sběratelské potřeby německé firmy Leuchtturm. Vydáváme časopis Mince a Bankovky. Sledujte kurz zlata. Využijte akční ceny. Jakékoliv užití obsahu včetně převzetí, šíření či dalšího zpřístupňování textů a fotografií je bez písemného souhlasu zakázáno.

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